Kayak instruction in English

When staying at Bij de Genieterij, use of one of our kayaks is included. After a short walk (1 km, left off our site) you reach the Morra, one of the most beautiful Frisian lakes.

Our kayaks are located on a trestle in the Galamadammen marina. Here you launch the kayak. The location is also accessible by bicycle or car (free parking).

Points of attention when going out with the kayak:

  • Check the weather forecast first. Do not go on the water when there is wind force 5 or higher. If bad weather is forecast: stay on shore. The weather can change quickly on the water!
  • We advise you to always wear a life jacket. These hang in the Tiny Bike House. Check your size!
  • The Morra is on your right as you leave the harbor and the lake is not deep (chest height) (except for the channel). Pay attention to swimmers, other vessels and avoid prolonged paddling in the channel (between red and green buoys).
  • Bring something to drink and something to eat. An extra sweater is also useful. Paddles, life jackets and a waterproof bag can be found in the Tiny Bike House,
  • You will find our kayaks on the wooden trestle on the side of the marina, near the boat ramp. Loosen the lock (key on your Tiny House key ring). Lift the kayak with two people. When you return, place the kayak upside down on the trestle. Secure the lock properly to prevent theft.
  • Take back the paddles, life jackets and bag!

Please pay attention to:

The use of our kayak is at your own risk. We are not liable for injury or damage.

Accidentally damage you
the kayak, report this immediately. We will solve it together.

We have 2 kayaks. Reservations not possible.