Information for your stay – tiny house Rhombus

Everything you need to know for a relaxing stay.


Log in to the secure network: Bij de Genieterij. The password: 3njoyyourst@y

Your Bike

Park your bicycle during the day against the bicycle gate and not against the facade of the Tiny House.

Your bike (charge and) spend the night safely in the Tiny Bike House. Is that why you always lock the door? You will find the key on the key ring.

Smart TV

You can watch Dutch news for free via the NOS app. You can use the various streaming services – via your own subscription. Don’t forget to log out before departure!


Cushions for the outdoor lounge sofa can be found next to the cupboard in the bedroom. The hammock hangs on the coat rack.

Please bring everything in for the night. Please return the hammock dry to the storage bag upon departure.


Place used towels in the yellow-striped laundry bag. Think about the environment and use your towel sparingly.

Please remove the bed linen upon departure. Put everything in one pillowcase and place it next to the bed. Thank you!


The cutlery drawer is hidden in the top drawer next to the refrigerator.

Do the dishes before you go. Unload the dishwasher and put everything back in the kitchen cabinets clean. Also check the refrigerator and freezer for forgotten groceries.


Our recycling center is next to the Tiny Bike House. Bring and sort your waste here. We separate glass, paper and vegetables/fruit/bread. Everything else can be thrown into the residual waste, including plastic: this is sorted and separated at the factory. You can leave deposit bottles and cans that you do not return yourself in the glass container.

Prevent fire and always deposit ash from the wood stove in the gray, steel ashtray and never in the container.


This Tiny House is fully supplied with sustainably generated electricity from our own solar panels.
The electric heaters are easy to operate with the accompanying remote control. Be energy conscious. Do not leave heaters and lights on unnecessarily.

Clean Air

This Tiny House has automatic mechanical ventilation. Make sure that a grille or window is always open so that clean air can enter.

Outdoor Stove KAGGEL

Enjoy the warmth and adventurous outdoor cooking with our wood Kaggel. Bake fresh bread or a delicious pizza. Use of our wood is included in your stay. Kindling wood and other materials can be found in the Tiny Bike House.

Always light a fire using the Swiss combustion method to prevent strong smoke development. More pleasant for you and better for your environment!


Gather your own belongings, clean up and leave the tiny house no later than 10:30 AM.

Leave the key on the table. Take your waste to the recycling center in the correct containers.

If you used the luggage cart, return it to the Tiny Bike House.

NB. For departures on Sunday, a late check-out is included: no later than 5:00 PM.

We’d love to see you again!

Important phone numbers

In case of EMERGENCY, call immediately: 112

General practitioner Koudum +31 514 52 2100

Doctor’s Guard Friesland (medical assistance after 5:00 PM) +31 900 1127112

Dentist Koudum +31 514 52 2424

Workum Pharmacy +31 515 54 1591